You can use one of the following to copy from the clipboard in Vim:




Which one you use depends on your environment.

If you're using gVim or MacVim, you'll want "+p

If you're using Vim from the command line, you'll want "*p

If you're in insert mode or ex mode (I think) you use SHIFTINSERT

백북에서 insert는 fn Enter

By insert I mean the key over by HOMEPAGE UP, and DELETE


  • " means you're going to specify a register
  • there are 26 custom registers - 1 for each letter
  • there are many other registers (see this)
  • + or " refers to the unnamed buffer, which represents the system clipboard
  • p is the normal put command

More info on buffers:

If you want, you can store different text in different buffers.

To yank 3 lines to the buffer named x use this:


To paste the contents of the buffer named y above the cursor:



